Legal Notice

Effective Date: 13/11/2024 (french date format)
Last Updated: 21/11/2024 14h23 (french date format)

Disclaimer: SportaFrame is dependent on the company ART NETWORKS, based in France. The official legal notices are written in French, the English version is provided for informational purposes only and holds no legal value.

Official version - French


SARL unipersonnelle au capital de 42 500,00 €
Code APE 6202A
RCS Vienne B 440 162 048
N° TVA : FR33440162048
Siège social : 32 chemin de Malavent - 38300 Ruy-Montceau
Adresse email : [email protected]

Responsable de publication : Matéo CALLEC


OVH SAS, filiale de la société OVH Groupe SA
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
RCS de Lille sous le numéro 537 407 926
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

Translated version - English


Sole proprietorship limited liability company (SARL) with a capital of €42,500.00
APE Code 6202A
RCS Vienne B 440 162 048
VAT Number: FR33440162048
Registered Office: 32 chemin de Malavent - 38300 Ruy-Montceau
Email Address: [email protected]

Publication manager: Matéo CALLEC


OVH SAS, subsidiary of OVH Groupe SA
Registered Office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
RCS Lille under number 537 407 926
Registered Office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France